
  • idea of a class “inheriting” properties from another class


  • Vehicle Class
  • A car is a type of vehicle
    • more of a “specialized vehicle”
  • Bus
    • color could be a unique factor
  • Train
    • Steam Engine Train
    • Diesel Engine Train
  • you have a basic model that basic features such as engine, or color that all vehicles can inherit
  • Constructors are not inherited!
    • Remember, constructors must be the name of the class, so if a constructor is “inherited”, its class and the constructor name will not be the same!
  • they may have special features

Hiearchy is created in this example.

  • Superclass will give everytrhing below in the hiearchy is refered to the subclass

Continued Example:

Class Vehicle:

  • Name (String)
  • make (String)
  • model (String)
  • Constructor: Vehicle (…)
  • Method: moveForward()

Class Vehicle is the superclass of class Train

class Train:

  • Name (String)
  • make (String)
  • model (String)
  • Constructor: Train (…) //we would change this to Train instead of vehicle!
  • Method: moveForward()

new addition:

  • Conductor (String) //doesn’t carry to the vehicle class, conductor is a SUBCLASS of vehicle class
  • moveFoward() method is still called the same thing, but we want to change the code inside it
    • this is called overwriting!
    • Overwriting: Changing the subclass body of a method that is inherited from a superclass

Class Train is the superclass of class DieselEngineTrain

class DieselEngineTrain:

  • Name (String)
  • make (String)
  • model (String)
  • Constructor: DiselEngineTrain: (…) //we would change this to DieselEngineTrain instead of Train!
  • Method: moveForward() //inherit the overwritten method!
  • Conductor (String)

new addition:

  • oilLevel (double) //additional field added
//structure of example above

class Vehicle {
    public String name;
    public String make;
    public String model;

    public Vehicle(...) {
        //implentation not shown

class Train extends Vehicle {
    public String conductor;

    public Train(...){
        //implenatation not shown

    public void moveFoward(){
        //do something else

class DieselEngineTrain extends Train {
    public double oilLevel;

    public DieselEngineTrain(...){
        //implementation not shown

//super(params) --> accesses the superclass's constructor
|       public Vehicle(...) {

illegal start of type

|       public Vehicle(...) {

<identifier> expected


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. F
  8. D
  9. H //should be F
