Linux Hacks

Installing Ubuntu: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y

Finding Ubuntu Version: lsb_release -a

Getting Github Info: git config –global –get git config --global --get is your name in github while is your email that you used to sign in into github.

Testing/Installing Python:

  • “sudo apt install -y python3” will install python, resulting in the terminal “Installing Python…”
  • If python is installed, it will return “Python is already installed.”
  • You may check the version through: “python3 –version”

Testing Ruby:

  • Install ruby through “sudo apt install -y ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev”
  • If installed, it should state “Ruby is already installed.”
  • To check the version, type “ruby -v”

Testing Jupyter:

  • Use the command “sudo apt-get install -y jupyter-notebook” to install Jupyter
  • It should say “Jupyter is already installed” if Bundler is already installed
  • Check the version through “jupyter –version”

Testing Bundler:

  • Use the command “gem install jekyll bundler” to install Bundler
  • It should say “Bundler is already installed” if Bundler is already installed

Some Linux commands used for later usage: ls: List files and directories in the current directory. cd: Change the current directory. pwd: Print the current working directory. cp: Copy files or directories. mv: Move or rename files or directories. rm: Remove files or directories. grep: Search for patterns in files. chmod: Change file permissions. top: Display system resource usage. df: Display disk space usage. ps: List currently running processes. cat: Display the contents of a file.